SNSD establishes another sensation with ‘Robin Hood’ dance
The ‘Robin Hood dance’ in SNSD’s comeback performance for “Hoot” is poised to cause yet another highly-explosive sensation!
The group performed the ‘Robin Hood dance’ for the first time in public at the pre-recording for KBS 2TV’s “Music Bank.” Why is it called the ‘Robin Hood’ dance, you ask?
2 thing : BOW AND ARROW!!!!! XD
Unfortunately , during a rehearsal Yuri fell and slipped but she got up back and showed her talent .
She mentioned she was fine when people approached her .She even showed her flawless smile .
On the other hand , 1 million on the counter view on Youtube has been achieved on their Music Video Hoot!!!!
Writer and Editor : NasmerS9PN
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The S9PN Team .
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